This is a wide variety of honey and many sub-categories are included. The main part of this production is based mostly to the Spring flowers blooming.
Melithti Flower Hone is collected in the Ancient Olympia region.
Ancient Olympia has been the most famous sanctuary in Ancient Greece and it was devoted to Zeus, the father of the gods and the humans. It was the place where the Olympic Games were held.
Flower Honey is light colored.
Aroma – Taste:
it has an exceptional taste and the darker colored one is of high nutritional value.
Nutritional Value and Beneficial Properties:
It promotes the good function of digestion and the proper growth of children. It gives energy and stamina, regulates intestinal and strengthens liver function.
The honey of spring is a wholesome nutrition supplement, an invaluable nature product and an original gift to our loved ones, offering them sweet moments along with the much desired gift of “well-living”!
This particular honey crystallizes in 3-6 months’ time.
Calorific Value: 15gr of Flower Honey give 51 Cal.
Basic Constituents:
All sorts of Flower Honey include many mineral and trace elements, which play an important part to the maintenance of balance in the human organism. Among the most important substances of this type of honey are the enzymes. These enzymes come from the bee, the pollen, the nectar. This honey also includes at least 18 organic acids, the most important of which are the gluconic acid, citric acid, acetic acid and phosphoric acid.