We collect Pine Honey in Northern Evia. Due to the low sugar concentration this honey is not too sweet.
It is almost 65% of the total amount of honey produced in Greece and it comes from the honey secretions of the Marchalina Hellenica (also known as “Vamvakada”, “Ergates”) when it parasitizes in the Chalepeian and Tracheian Pine Trees.
Pine Honey is distinctively darker in color when compared to Thyme Honey. The honey produced during Spring is of a lighter color and more transparent than the one produced during Fall.
Aroma – Taste:
Distinguished aroma.
Due to the low sugar concentration this honey is not too sweet.
Nutritional Value and Beneficial Properties:
The nutritional value of the Pine Honey is due to the large number of various distinct substances it contains. An important place among them is occupied by Minerals, which are found in high concentrations in the Greek Pine Honey, thus characterizing it as a Honey of High Nutritional Value.
Pine Honey acts as an antiseptic, it helps heal inflammations and also acts effectively against cough and uretic arthritis. It fights throat ailments. Pine Honey has strong anti-estrogenic activity to breast cancer cells. It is an immune booster, increases the heart operation rhythm, reduces ulcer problems and is considered a Honey of high nutritional value.
Due its low natural sugar content, Pine Honey crystallization happens at a relatively slow pace. This particular honey crystallizes after 24 months.
Calorific Value:
15gr of Fir Honey give 46 Cal
Natural Constituents:
Minerals and trace elements are prevailing among the substances (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper etc), which are found in great concentrations within the Greek Pine Honey in general.
Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose, Proline, Natrium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Zinc, Iron, copper